I personally think it came WAY to fast... But hey, I'm excited!
-The thing I probably love about it the most is going shopping for new supplies (including shirts, shoes, and fancy pants! ^_^). We wont be getting the the note books and other accesories until after the first day or two. Just to kinda sum things up. I suppose its better this way, instead of buying to much stuff you didn't need or not having enough then having to go back (which my mother hates).
-I cant wait to see my school friends again and ask how their summer went! Its always a shocker when you and your friends meet up the first day and they look totally different.... Its only happened once or twice in my life. Due to new hair styles, or a funky new taste in clothes. I'm not so sure if I've ever done that to one of them... you guys will have to tell me! :D
-When I first saw my schedule I kinda just shrugged it off and didn't think much about it. Reason why? = I had no idea who the teachers were and what they were like. I haven't even asked one of my older friends to come and see it!... I probably should. As for my younger friend Hanna, She knows shes got one heck of a great English teacher!
-The next thing I will do concerning school will be to find out if I have any classes with others I know... And get a locker buddy!
-Well its a week away and I getting my self prepared for the worst! Wish me luck!!! ♥
HA HA HA!!! lol
I hope you enjoy school. It's fun to see friends!
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